Monthly Archives: January 2020

CMR CWG Meeting in Grass Range (January 16, 2020)

The CMR CWG meeting in Grass Range on January 16, 2020 hosted a great collection of presenters and panelists. Tahnee Szymanski, Assistant State Veterinarian, presented on feral swine and their disease and ecological impacts. Tahnee also presented on the impact of Brucellosis on livestock and how the disease can be transmitted and tested for. John Steuber, State Director of USDA APHIS Wildlife Services, presented on feral swine, human impacts, and the APHIS response plan. John has experience dealing with feral swine in Texas, where the problem is no longer manageable. The presentations are available as links and posted below.

The afternoon hosted a great panel about Designated Surveillance Areas with ranchers from the DSA in Southwest MT. Alan RedfieldDruska Kinkie, and Linda Owens spoke to the CMR CWG. You can listen to a recording of the panel discussion below. Linda Owens with the Madison Valley Ranchlands Group left predator mitigation tools for anyone interested in utilizing them. To grab a packet, please contact Casey at

Recording of Designated Surveillance Areas panel discussion

Feral Swine Management Presentation by Tahnee Szymanski

Brucellosis Presentation by Tahnee Szymanski

Feral Swine Management Presentation by John Steuber