Ranchers Stewardship Alliance Meeting – Malta
Malta Business CenterRanchers Stewarship Alliance with have a meeting on July 10th at the Malta Business Center.
2018 River Rendezvous
You are invited to the 2018 River Rendezvous on July 11th and 12th in Great Falls, hosted by the Cascade Conservation District and the MRCDC. Please pass this along to any co-workers who may be interested in attending. Hope you can join us as we explore residential development along the river, tour the water treatment plant and […]
Musselshell Watershed Coalition Meeting
MSU Extension Office Roundup, MontanaMontana Range Tour
The Montana Range Tour is an annual event that is held in a different location of the state each year. The Tour provides the opportunity for farmers, ranchers, agricultural organizations, land management agencies and the general public to share information and gain increased expertise on natural resource issues, notably on agricultural lands. The Montana Range Tour will […]
Montana Sage Grouse Oversight Team Meeting
Montana State Capitol - Room 152 1301 E 6th Ave, Helena, MT, Helena, MontanaThe Montana Sage Grouse Oversight Team (MSGOT) oversees implementation of Montana's Sage Grouse Conservation Strategy by the Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Program (Program). MSGOT and the Program implement the Greater Sage Grouse Stewardship Act, along with Executive Orders 12-2015 and 21-2015. Individual MSGOT members also implement Montana's Sage Grouse Conservation Strategy through their respective agencies […]
Sustainable Ranching Workshop with Jim Gerrish
Matador Ranch 4883 Ranch Road, Dodson, MT, United StatesCome learn about: Ranching without iron and oil Managing cow costs Matching forage and livestock resources Using custom grazing as a management tool Planning for low-labor operation Follow the link below for more information! Sustainable Ranching Workshop Information
CMR CWG meeting
10:00 am Great Northern Lodge Room Malta, MT
Montana Stockgrowers Annual Convention and Trade Show
Double Tree and Northern Hotel MT, United StatesOn behalf of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) and the Montana CattleWomen (MCW), we would like to thank you for your commitment to our associations! We hope you will join us at the 134th Annual MSGA Convention & Trade Show and the 65th Annual MCW Convention. All meetings will take place at the Double Tree […]